A-life sandbox
Works In Progress
_WIP demos
Proper 3D Chess
he's burning the sheep!,. .
Peace, Truth, Resistance.

iteration GAMES... remember when we used to play?
Homemade Video Games, FREE to download and PLAY. |
These funky little games are created by Jph Wacheski a game designer, sound and video artist, and an organic permaculture anti-corporate revolutionary living in Ottawa Canada. Most where made using the super cool game creation tool Game Maker. Eventualy the very best of these will be put into old style custom built arcade cabinents for a gallery or club showing.
The iteration GAMES CD's will be avalible sortly. These will contain all games on this site and many unreleased items as well. If you are interested email me for an advanced cdr version. [ current price $20 usd, including world wide shipping ]
Help keep the lights on at iteration GAMES! |
Look left to find our Donation Button. These games are free to download and play as much as you like. Please send us some CA$H to help with web hosting and development costs and remember jph loves you!
Cathode Raygun - a tough little nut,. |
An old-timey sidways scrolling shooting game, grab the pointy pods that drop from the eye creatures, to advance the progressive difficulty. Defeat the boss eye thingy to beat the game. This can be done in under 5 min. however, it will take you longer if you are destroyed and made to restart.
CONTROLS: [ not told in game ]
END to restart the game
SPACE to pause
PAGEUP/DOWN to set volume
ESC to exit
[ update to i033 fixes an issue that effected only some systems, you only need to get this iteration if the game did not run properly on i032 ]
Game File : Download Cathode Raygun i033 (3.3MB)
REQUIREMENTS: win98 or higher, 1ghz CPU, 800x600 videocard.
Forward Always Forward - fast thinking shooter action. |
Try to clear the 3 levels with 100 percent in this Action Shmup. Stratagy is as important as fast fingers here, as your advisaries will close in on you if you get to deep into hostile territory. To end the level just move forward off the top of the room, in this way you are able to skip ahead a level, although you don't get 100 percent this way.
NEW to this iteration: volume control, many tweeks to the game play, looks, and sound, just get the new version!
Game File : Download Forward Always Forward i032 (1.7MB)
REQUIREMENTS: win98 or higher, 1ghz CPU, 800x600 videocard.
GP2X - funding drive to purchase a linux handheld |
Send donations to help us with the purchase of a GP2X handheld.
Developing games for the windows OS can be quite frustrating as every system hardware is unique, leading to inadvertant strangness and an uneven player experiance. We here at iterationg GAMES would positively lov to bring you some fine games for this cool handheld LINUX unit. but alas the funds are low,.
The current funding drive total will b posted as the donations come in.
Currently $5.00 of a needed $180.00
if you would prefer for alternative support methods. thanks for supporting the arts. jph lovs you.
Fuel Oil - a resource managment shooting adventure |
This is an old game ( build in 03 ) that was never quite finished, its a bit more low tech but quite fun to play. The gameplay is a bit complex, see if you can clear the 3 levels! The online gameplay and game save ability has yet to be added.
Game File : Download Fuel Oil i03 (3.5MB)
REQUIREMENTS: win95 or higher, 700mhz CPU, 1024x768 videocard.
Wizard of Wor Remix |
Here is a ReMix of the arcade classic Wizard of Wor. It features some of my best sounds, two player co-operative play, and an interesting A.I. in single player mode. Dedicated of course to my boy George jr.
Game File : Download Wizard of Wor i018 (2.7MB)
REQUIREMENTS: win95 or higher, 300mhz CPU, 640x480 videocard.
Plasma Tank - a simple ScreenSaver. |
A lava lamp style simulation, digital molten hot magma. Currently the settings are self randomized. To install it as a screen saver just right click and use the install option or move the .scr file to your windows folder. Use the Arrow Keys to set the gravity direction. Any other Key or Mouse movement and it ends.
ScreenSaver File : Download Plasma Tank i016 (1.1MB)
REQUIREMENTS: win98 or higher, 800mhz CPU, 16mb 3d videocard.
Strategic Oil Reserve - come on and fight the losing battle. |
This frantic mouse controlled game builds slowly till your inevitable defeat, go for a high score. The gameplay is reminiscent of the classic Missile Command, with some twists mixed in. Additional graphics created by Graham Lackey and Gabe Brooks.
note: if you don't have a 3 button mouse you can simply use the LEFT, DOWN, and RIGHT arrow keys instead. Have fun, Cheers.
For those brave thinking players among you, here is a list of topical essays to further expand your critical minds. Mindfully.org
Game File : Download Strategic Oil Reserve. i022 (2.5MB)
REQUIREMENTS: win98 or higher, 800mhz CPU, 16mb 3d videocard.
EMPIRE DOWN - The Battle of the Five Towers |
"Listen, I can't get involved. I've got work to do. It's not like I like the Empire, I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it right now. It's all such a long way from here."
- Luke Skywalker
The power is in the hands of us the people. It's in the choices we make every day. The human creations we are willing to accept. The sick greed of Empire should not be one of them.
The game is an action shooter done in an abstract style with an ANTI-EMPIRE theme. Read the instructions on screen then try to play. The goal is to knock down the five towers. Then press the ENTER key to try the next level with taller towers.
Game File : Download EMPIRE DOWN i066 (5.43MB)
REQUIREMENTS: win98 or higher, 800mhz CPU, 16mb 3d vidCard.
These are the criminal pirates appearing in game. We need to get together send them to the Hague.
Senitor Palpatine, er,. I mean George Bush Jr. -AKA The Uniter not the Devider, AKA The Shrub, AKA The Man Who Would Be King. An Evil Robber Barron, and Sociopath
The Cronies:
Karl Rove - AKA Bush's Brain, many blame him for the ideas behind the actions of this Junta, he is Bush's Chief Advisor.
Big Dick Cheney - Vice Pre$ident and every military contractor$ be$t friend.
Donald Rumsfeld - Defence Secratary, oh what powerfull thumbs.
Condoleezza Rice - Former National Security Advisor, now Secratary of State.
Paul Wolfowiz - Former Defence Secratary, currently President of the World Bank, nice not to have to be elected.
Bill O'Reilly - Neo-Con mouth piece and media whore. Spin this,. you sicko.
Ann Coulter - Neo-Con mouth piece and media whore.
To find more info. on these and other 'leaders' search the net using these names. We suggest Wikipedia as one research tool.
The Life in Matter - a one key game. |
This here's a game you only need press one key to play. I made this for two main reasons; accessibility for ppl who may use different interfaces to the game, and as a game design challange. For more such games OneSwitch.org
full screen image here
The game is very simple to play; the player controls a mono-eyed creature, as it moves Clockwise it also moves in towards the Core, Anti-Clockwise and moves it away from the core,. landing it on the Core increases the Level as well as generates a Level up Bonus. The hiscore is saved.
If you have a slower system, you can toggle off/on some of the graphic effects using the 1-6 keys. This i029b is a bugfixed ver. If you have the old one with out the 'b' you have to press the 2 key to get the nice blue trails!
Game File : Download The Life in Matter i029b (2.16MB)
REQUIREMENTS: win98 or higher, 800mhz CPU, 16mb 3d vidCard.
From the Bamboo Bong - a Lunar Rescue remake. |
Lunar Rescue is a remake of a classic Taito arcade game, it features some very nifty hand drawn pixel art from Gabe Brooks.
When Gabe and I make a game together we release it under the Bamboo Bong Productions name.., Although we have worked on two remakes as this tinny team, this is the first game released here. Watch this site for the eventual release of our Wizard of Wor remake some time soon, as well as more levels for this game.
i023 Game File : Download Lunar Rescue. (2.59MB)
REQUIREMENTS: win98 or higher, 800mhz CPU, 800x600 16bit display.
100 Invaders - take the arcade acid test. |
The 100 invaders where created by Graham Lackey,. and i made a game around them. it starts a bit like the classic game then goes berzerk, try for yourself its free. the game remembers your highscore, and don't forget to turn the sound up.
This is the lowest rez game I've made yet, ( 240x240 pixels ) however it requires the highest spec. machine! It's a new engine and hasn't been tested on many different setups, give it a shot if it don't work for you, email me with your spec.s and i will update the min. spec.s posted here. Have fun, Cheers.
Game File : Download 100 Invaders. (4.27MB)
REQUIREMENTS: win98 or higher, 800mhz CPU, 16mb 3d videocard.
Hive Mind - iteration zero. |
A trippy space shooter,. combining 3 distinct modes of play, progressive difficulty levels, and an advanced control system that jumps off from Rotate right, Rotate left, and Thrust. Adding Strafing, Flipping (180 degrees), and a Lock On system with self guiding missiles. This version of Hive Mind is an unfinished one. There linger in the code some unfortunate errors. As well the balancing is unfinished,. i.e. the number of Jellyfish spawned goes up each level, however they should not all spawn at once as the level starts,. issues like these are being fixed however,. if you wish to play this early ver. the link is here.
Game File : Download Hive Mind. (4.3mb)
REQUIREMENTS: win98 or higher, 800mhz CPU, 16bit color 1024x768 display.
iteration 2 of Valence |
Valence is an odd sort of video game. Set deep in the Void,. under the reverberating Towers of Dub, where digital Life struggles to Survive.,
Evil doing bugs attack your only source of energy,. you must defend it.
Valence is an abstract retro-style meditation / tactical action game. The player controles a glowing golden sphere creature evolved with three sets of wings. She uses these wings to funnel and focus energy allowing her to move about. The player creature has but one big eyeball blinking out at the surroundings, constantly looking to the nearest threat. Touching the elemental Energy Well charges the player with energy,. this energy can be re-routed back into the world in the form of offensive and defensive focii. ( Pulse Energy Shots,. and the damaging Lancer Sheild. )
Game File : Download Valence iteration 2b (5.2mb)
REQUIREMENTS: win98 or higher, 500mhz CPU, 16bit color 1024x768 display.
Registration of Valence is now available. Hurry and get yours now.
Every Registration at iteration GAMES will entitle you to all future releases and upgrades for the title. note: be sure to get your code from the thanks webpage after completing the transaction.
Registration gets you a Code that you can enter into the game to Unlock it. The Code gets rid of the nag text, and the logo on the play screen, as well as providing you the ability to jump to any level. Of course your code will be good for all future versions.
Further future additions will include, the rest of the 13 planned levels., including 3 different boss battles, an options screen allowing you to setup the game how you like,. game pad support, etc.
Sub Atomic - iteration 001 |
Sub Atomic started as a remake of an obscure Taito arcade machine called The Electric Yo-Yo (1981). This release is a traditional remake of the game, that once beaten will un-zip the next game.
Game File : Download Sub Atomic (7.4mb)
REQUIREMENTS: win98 or higher, 500mhz CPU, 16bit color 1024x768 display.
Don't run this from the compressed folder, put it somewhere, i.e. desktop, games folder, etc. as it will decompress the Sub_atomic.exe in that same place.
I have been told that this 3 level intro. is a bit tough to beat for some ppl,. and as you don't use the same skills in Sub Atomic I'll tell you a code to skip a level; when playing the game, HOLD down the INSERT key and then press PAGEUP. Using that trick you can unlock Sub Atomic straight away.
JOUST 3 - Revenge of the Lava Troll |
This one is a fan remix of the two classic arcade games from the early 80s.
The game re-mix features 7 levels, insainly tough game play, most of the creatures from the two original arcade games, and a huge boss battle on the last level,.
Game File : Download JOUST 3! (1.76mb)
REQUIREMENTS: win98 or higher, 233mhz CPU, 16bit color 800x600 display.
© iteration GAMES 2024